Friday, October 18, 2013

Book Review today! In a little bit

Hey bookworms I am back, 
      It has been pretty busy in my right now. First it was PSATs so i was stressing over those. My life in general pretty much. I realized that my vision of this blog just is not going to work with scheduling. when i set up the blog I though okay I would have a book review every week. But we see how that went and all. So I will not have a set date anymore. They will happen when they can and maybe during the summer I can get into a schedule. I will not have a set book of the week either i noticed that has not worked either but i will take requests what to read . I am always looking for a good book. SO my favorite series 4th book came out just like a week ago and I bought it and that will be the book I will be reviewing. I just have to go through and edit and I  will be posting it shortly so stay tuned in. :) 
                                                         From the bookworm
                                                    P.s thank you for people who keep showing up to this blog that means the world to me.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Serious note

Hey Bookworms
           Book Reading update: I have decided to Read the book "Nothing But the Truth (and a few white lies)" by JustinaChen Healey. There is a few things I want to go over. If your going to read the books I know some people have religouse issues. I have nothing against reading about othe religons in books I am reading but some people do (I am christan). The religon in the book is budist. Like I said I have nothing against other religions. This country was founded beacuse people wanted freedom of religion. I will keep my opnion to myself about religions. I ask you bookworms to do the same. I will do this for every book I see that has anything with religion. Now that all the seriousness is over I wanted to say that so far this book is interesting. So I am super excited for it. 
                 Bye bookworms ttyl
                    signed the Bookworm