Saturday, September 28, 2013

Very Sick

Hi, Everyone
           I was really sick this week so there will be no book review this week sorry. There will be one next week I promise. I know this is a bad start to a new blog I wasn't expecting to get sick. I don't think i will be reviewing a girl named digit i just wasn't getting into so i will let you guys know what book it is on Monday
                              thanks for understanding the book worm

Friday, September 20, 2013

Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis

    Hey Everyone, for my first book talk I decided to do "Never Cry Werewolf" by Heather Davis. Lets start with first thoughts before reading. I thought this was going to be another retailing of red riding hood. To my surprise it wasn't. Its about this girl named Shelby who was sent away to camp crescent (brat camp). She was sent away because she was boy crazy which I thought was a really dumb reason. Your sent away for doing criminal activities not because you like boys. If she doesn't do well at this camp she will be sent to this dessert camp which is so much worse.let me say that her Step mom was a typical fairy tale step mom. Jealous married the father for riches. She annoyed me and I thought she was a poor character. I did like in the end where she showed some real concern.  Anyway she meets this British guy named Austin who turns into a werewolf. His character I thought was the most interesting then all the rest.So she is suppose to be staying away from boys but she ends up falling for Austin. At first she thought he had a drug problem but later found out what he had was this stuff that helped him control the wolf part of him. Through out the book she was told to help herself before trying to help others. So I thought that was an interesting struggle a character has. I loved Mr Winters I fell in love with this character he is like the person in life that never gives up on someone no matter what they do. He never gave up on Shelby and I thought that was the greatest thing in the world. He was like the head of the camp. He talked to and worked with Shelby throughout the book. So let me get back on track. So after Austin tells her his secret of being a werewolf and after her freak out she had to learn to trust him and she struggles with this through out the whole book. She eventually has to trust him to save his life.She does end up at the desert camp at the end trying to save Austins life but Austin does join her. so there was other characters though out the book. Ariel (Shelby's best friend at camp), Jenna (Rich,spoiled,Annoying girl),and Charles (camp jerk). These characters bored me. I thought they would so much more developed. For example Ariel I thought would have powers or something cool but she was just Shelby's information girl. Jenna was in and out the whole time. Her character was Weak! She could of been a fun character. Charles had a weak ending. He was though out the book a fun character but at the end just weak. He was on the Austins tail the whole time then boom. He was caught bribing his escape. Not my favorite character ending! Now some things I wanted to see was Shelby and her father talking out their problems. Not her sending him a letter and him sending her a post card saying "we will talk later". That was sad and the Romance was so boring! I am one for a good love plot but that was just sad. I did like how deep Shelby and Austin went. I liked the ending it got suspenseful at the ending. I was worried for a while but the ending pulled through.So over all I would give this book a 3 star. It had its good but also its bad. It was a nice quick read. My next book I will be reading is "A Girl Named Digit".
                                                      Goodbye book Worms
                                                       see you later....